Lapland artwork

This 1950s American-Swedish alien invasion film is a cult favourite but if you don’t know it well yet, browse these galleries of stills and promotional art.

It could have been set in Alaska or Canada, but it was set in Sweden, and filmed there too. Space invasion in Lapland (aka Horror in the Midnight Sun, Terror in the Midnight Sun, or Invasion of the Animal People) is a rare gem among cult films, as it’s the only sci-fi film in history to be co-produced by American and Swedish producers and also filmed in Sweden. Please enjoy these galleries of stills, poster art and publicity plans.

In the olden days, movies had booklets that detailed available advertising material and promotional plans, so that theatres and media could order material and synch their work. The following are pages from the campaign plan of Space invasion from Lapland. The pages with longer texts are clickable so you can read the finer print.



4 responses to “Lapland artwork”

  1. Andy Avatar

    I want to see it now!

  2. Andy Avatar

    Cool thank you 🙂

  3. […] you watch the film, please browse these galleries of stills, poster art and publicity […]

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