Category: Artwork

  • The art of Aniara

    The hard science fiction feature Aniara is a rare opportunity to see the future as it was envisioned in the 1950s. Rare in the sense that never before has a science fiction poem from Sweden been filmed. Here’s a gallery of alternate posters tested by the designers at Magnolia. Aniara adapts the 1956 poem by […]

  • The art of Thelma

    Poster and art gallery in honour of the record-breaking number of Amanda nominations for Thelma, Joachim Trier’s supernatural drama that became one of the most applauded Norwegian genre movies in recent times. The young student Thelma moves to Oslo where she falls in love with another girl, and soon discovers that her feelings trigger inexplicable powers. This summer, […]

  • See more of Ragnarok

    In 2013, Ragnarok was the big adventure film for children and tweens in Norway. In this rare adventure, science and fantasy is mixed with action and thrills rooted in Viking mythology. From the director of Cold Prey 3 came Ragnarok, based on something most Scandinavians can related to; Vikings! To be specific, their runes, which were their alphabet, […]

  • More from Kung Fury

    The world seems unable to get enough of Kung Fury, the hero of Kung Fury – so here goes, another batch of stills and behind-the-scenes videos. In less than 24 hours, the sensational short film reached 3 million views on its official Youtube channel. Right now, it approaches 10 million views, with many more added […]

  • Dyke Hard poster

    Next year, the Swedes unleash the lesbian exploitation musical Dyke Hard to the world. Now the final poster is ready, and it’s probably as colourful as the movie itself. Dyke Hard is a Swedish low budget feature, about a failed lesbian rock group on their way to a battle of the bands in the big […]

  • More American Burger

    You want fries with that? Check out these additional stills from the new Swedish horror comedy American Burger. Did you know that eating a human arm would provide you with 1800 calories? Here’s another helping of action and gore stills from American Burger. But you may not want to consume this brand too often; an […]

  • Dead Snow 2 in the US

    Tommy Wirkola’s splatter fest Dead Snow 2 is opening in the US next month. The politically incorrect nazi-zombie-feelgood sequel is almost universally acclaimed as an improvement over the original film. When Dead Snow released its blood-soaked Nazis on Norwegians and the world in 2009, nobody quite knew what to expect. Scandinavia had not yet produced […]

  • Lapland artwork

    This 1950s American-Swedish alien invasion film is a cult favourite but if you don’t know it well yet, browse these galleries of stills and promotional art. It could have been set in Alaska or Canada, but it was set in Sweden, and filmed there too. Space invasion in Lapland (aka Horror in the Midnight Sun, […]

  • The art of Dead Snow

    To some, Dead Snow was just another horror movie, but in fact it marked the beginning of a new era in a Nordic context. To further celebrate the sequel, the art of the two movies have been gathered here. Rest your eyes on these posters, DVD covers, promo pics and other art for Dead Snow […]

  • Outburst posters

    Just because you have made a short film, it doesn’t mean you have to settle for only one poster! The Danish horror short Outburst has teamed up with a handful of artists in order to make posters that, like the movie itself (which we reported on here), pays hommage to the good old days of horror. […]