Category: Denmark

  • Counting down to Christmas

    Today, TV channels across the Nordic region launch the annual highlight for many children; the TV calendars. The tradition has become a spearhead for fantasy based children’s entertainment.  For almost 60 years, televised advent calendars in the form of short 24-episode drama series for children have aired in the Nordic region between December 1st and […]

  • A God Without a Universe preview

    Horror is a movie genre where the concept of pushing limits is possible and expected; maybe that’s why the Danish feature A God Without a Universe became a horror drama rather than just another bleak Scandinavian kitchen sink filler. Made on a shoestring budget of 60.000 DKK (around 8000 euros) and released in 2015, A […]

  • What we become in the US

    Denmark’s first ever mainstream zombie movie What we become hits US discs in October. In the idyllic town of Sorgenfri (meaning “free of worries”) a family of four gets their daily life changes abruptly when a deadly virus afflicts the town. It’s survival of the fittest, and the question whether the family is strong enough […]

  • What We Become preview

    Two days ago the new Danish zombie movie What We Become premiered in Danish cinemas. How well will the film go down in a country not used to horror films? Written and directed by Bo Mikkelsen, What We Become (original title: Sorgenfri) is Denmark’s first ever mainstream zombie movie to be shown in cinemas. Filmed […]

  • Warming up to Christmas

    Warming up to Christmas

    In a few days, the Nordic public broadcasters unleash some of their biggest efforts throughout the year; the Christmas Calendars, aimed mostly at children and airing every day from December 1st to 24th. The Nordic region has a long tradition of Christmas countdown TV drama for children, so-called Christmas calendars, which are the TV equivalent of […]

  • Finale preview

    Denmark’s first theatrical torture porn movie is heading for cinemas next year. Finale is based on a book and will not skimp on the crimson stuff! Based on Danish author Steen Langstrup’s novel Alt det hun ville ønske hun ikke forstod (meaning “everything she whished she didn’t know) from 2011, the upcoming feature film Finale is […]

  • Heartless final episodes

    In April and May 2014, the new supernatural teen drama Heartless aired in Denmark. After 5 episodes and an unresolved ending, the fate of the series was uncertain. But now, three new episodes will wrap up what is a unique effort in Nordic TV drama. Three years ago, the Danish commercial broadcaster Kanal 5 (part of the […]

  • Quick fall 2015 overview

    Quick fall 2015 overview

    Not sure what to wait for? Too long between premieres? Forgotten that Scandinavia actually has some genre movies? Here’s a quick overview of what to expect this fall. This list is not necessarily complete, as new premieres can still be added over the next few weeks and months, but it does give you a fairly good overview […]

  • Horror in Copenhagen

    Horror in Copenhagen

    Want to watch recent Scandinavian horror cinema and meet the directors? If you are in Denmark this fall, that can be arranged. Huset (literally The House) in Copenhagen is a large culture and arts centre which hosts around 1400 events each year, on 10 different stages. One of these events is Recent Nordic Cinema, a […]

  • Escaping the Dead preview

    Scheduled to be released to coincide with Halloween, Escaping the Dead is a Danish horror indie that takes a definitive anti-drug position. The low budget zombie film, which has been in production since 2012, starts during a typical day for the lead character, David. He is a marijuana pusher, but he is the kind of […]