Category: Fantasy

  • The Ash Lad 2 preview

    In Norwegian cinemas now, the sequel fantasy blockbuster The Ash Lad 2. Do you know your Norwegian folk tales? Try to spot as many as you can in the film! Following the successfull original big budget mainstream Ash Lad from 2017 (original title; Askeladden), the sequel In Soria Moria Castle see Espen and Kristin embark […]

  • Review: Border

    Nordic mythology is rich, old and popular but has only served as foundation for Nordic fantasy movies to a limited extent. Border is the Swedish arthouse fantasy that takes troll mythology to another level. And that is not surprising, since the book that the film is based on was written by John Ajvide Lindqvist, author […]

  • The Shamer’s Daughter 2 preview

    Nordic fantasy films that gets a sequel is a rare event, but the Danish Shamer’s Daughter franchise has achieved that with the first sequel now playing in Danish cinemas, and opening in Norway today. Following the success of the original film in 2015 (it sold 225.000 tickets in Denmark alone and was compared to Harry […]

  • Hidden first thoughts

    Today the first two episodes of Hidden aired on Viaplay. The series is the latest big budget effort in an improving Scandinavian mainstream fantasy scene. Since only two episodes have aired, we’ll leave a complete review for later, and only look at a few things in the first episodes. “Aired” is not the correct term, […]

  • Hidden preview

    The Scandinavian TV & streaming network Viaplay is jumping on the local supernatural / fantasy wagon with Hidden, an urban fantasy drama based on a bestselling novel by Filip Alexanderson. After having been an actor since 2002, Filip Alexanderson published his first novel in 2015, called Förstfödd (First born). In November 2017 it was announced […]

  • Recent and upcoming DVD releases

    Halloween and the weeks leading up to Christmas is the right time for genre movies to be released on home video. People are in the mood for horror, the nights are getting darker and if you’re the cool uncle you need to place scary films under the Christmas tree. This autumn several Scandinavian films arrive […]

  • The Quake is good business

    After one week in Norwegian cinemas, The Quake is shaking up some real business and on its way to become a success, just like its predecessor, The Wave. The opening weekend alone was the strongest in 2018 for any movie. In its first weekend more than 155.000 Norwegian film fans went to see Oslo shaken […]

  • The Quake preview

    Roar Uthaug was an established director in Norway when he flooded Norwegian cinemas with The Wave in 2015. Now the sequel is here, in which director John Andreas Andersen takes the disaster to Oslo. The Wave was Norway’s first proper disaster film and pulled a huge crowd to cinemas, with more than 800.000 tickets sold. […]

  • The art of Thelma

    Poster and art gallery in honour of the record-breaking number of Amanda nominations for Thelma, Joachim Trier’s supernatural drama that became one of the most applauded Norwegian genre movies in recent times. The young student Thelma moves to Oslo where she falls in love with another girl, and soon discovers that her feelings trigger inexplicable powers. This summer, […]

  • Thelma vs Amanda

    The critically acclaimed supernatural thriller Thelma has been nominated to 12 Amanda awards, the Norwegian Oscar. That happened in spite of the director’s threat to boycott the award show. Last year, Joachim Trier’s supernatural Thelma became one of the most applauded Norwegian genre movies in recent times. The film was part of the official selection at […]