Win Inside the whore tickets

Inside the whore will debut theatrically in Norway on October 28, and you can win two special tickets to the exclusive screening!

Following Norway’s first exploitation / grindhouse / rape-revenge film The Whore (2009), the sequel Inside the whore will be screened at Frogner cinema theatre in Oslo, Norway on October 28th. Anyone can attend, and for the price of 150 NOK (about 16 euros) you get to see both films and enjoy free drinks. This is not only the world premiere of Inside the whore, but also Norway’s first ever double feature grindhouse screening! The screening is open to everyone over the age of 18. “I am not responsible for viewers with a weak stomach. My movies have previously resulted in fainting and vomiting” says director Reinert Kiil.

However, as a reader of you are welcome to participate in our October competition where the prize is two tickets, worth 300 NOK and 4 hours of hardcore exploitation, plus surprises!

To enter the competition, answer this question: What is the character name of actress Isabel Vibe in the two movies? Send your competition entry to no later than October 20, 2011.

The winner will be drawn on October 21st and notified the same day. You must make travel arrangements to Oslo by yourself.

Update: The winner is Joseph Lucas from the UK. Congratulations!






2 responses to “Win Inside the whore tickets”

    1. Editor Avatar

      En kar fra utlandet, som ikke kunne komme til Norge på visningen. Skal få oppdatert om det.

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