Finale preview

Author Steen Langstrup with Anne Bergfeld at a test shoot.

Denmark’s first theatrical torture porn movie is heading for cinemas next year. Finale is based on a book and will not skimp on the crimson stuff!

Based on Danish author Steen Langstrup’s novel Alt det hun ville ønske hun ikke forstod (meaning “everything she whished she didn’t know) from 2011, the upcoming feature film Finale is being directed by Søren Juul Petersen, who also wrote the script. The story revolves around two women, Agnes and Belinda, who work at a gas station near the German border. It’s a quiet day, as Denmark is playing an important football game that everyone is watching. No customers also means no witnesses, something the two women notice when they find themselves in a very unpleasant situation.

Finale is said to be Denmark’s first torture porn movie, a genre that harks back to Saw and Hostel and also French films like Martyrs and Frontiers, in which prolonged scenes of torture and humiliation is essential. Finale promises to deliver in that area, we are told. The novel which the movie is based on won the Danish Horror Society’s Horror Book of the Year award in 2012.

-For me [the book] was not a particularly violent book to write, despite the ugly scenes of torture. I had described torture before in Dope and Panzer, and although torture takes up more space here, I did not feel that [the scenes] were worse. I was occupied with narrative tricks and interaction between the story’s two main characters, [who] end up in their life’s nightmare. To write these kind of atrocities is rarely as dramatic as one might think, [because one is] deep into the story and the characters. It’s a bit like with a gun, which after all is more frightening when someone is pointing it at you. It’s not so bad when you have it in your own hand, Langstrup said about the launch of the filming on his website.

Steen Langstrup (b. 1968 on Friday the 13th) is a Danish horror author, comic book artist and publisher. He has written 19 novels, two nonfiction books and two comic books. In 1995 he wrote the horror novel Kat which was made into the movie Cat by Martin Schmidt in 2001.

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steen-langstrup-2015-alt-det-hun-ville-oenske-hun-ikke-forstodFilming started in September in Denmark and Germany, after test shoots took place last spring. The Danish Film Institute has supported the movie with 2 million DKK (around 270.000 euros / 288.000 dollars).

The main parts are played by Anne Bergfeld and Karin Michelsen, both debutants, and Kim Sønderholm, Mads Koudal and Kristoffer Fabricius.

Finale opens in Danish cinemas in October 2016.




One response to “Finale preview”

  1. […] first reported on the film in 2015 when it was scheduled to open in theatres in October 2016, but it’s not […]

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