Horror in Copenhagen

Want to watch recent Scandinavian horror cinema and meet the directors? If you are in Denmark this fall, that can be arranged.

The Harvest – want to play doctor?

Huset (literally The House) in Copenhagen is a large culture and arts centre which hosts around 1400 events each year, on 10 different stages. One of these events is Recent Nordic Cinema, a new 3-part series exploring various contributions to the Scandinavian horror scene. Beginning in September, Huset will show Danish and Swedish horror shorts and a feature film.

On September 9th, Recent Nordic Cinema kicks off with the screening of Sinister Visions, an 85 minute Danish/Swedish horror anthology composed of various shorts that pay homage to the most notable monster and psychotic types of our time; a real treat for old-school genre fans who remember staying up late to watch horror flicks on TV. Henric Brandt directed the segment My Undead Girlfriend, Doug Gehl directed Genital Genocide, Andreas Rylander helmed My Dead Girlfriend, and Kim Sønderholm, who was the motivatating force behind the film, directed segments titled Mother Knows Best, A Woman Scorned and Succubus.

On October 7th, the series contines with Danish short films; The Reborn, directed by Henrik Bjerregaard Clausen (about a religious zombie family battling teen rebellion, decaying body parts and anxieties about the coming apocalyptic flood), The Harvest by Martin Sonntag and Kim Sønderholm (winner of Best SFX at the recent Movie Battle), and The Sun Has Died, directed by Daniel Bødker Sørensen (in which we “see everything from the eyes of the main character – we are inside her head and we share her fear as strange things happen on a dark and stormy night”) which won the Best Movie award at the Movie Battle. Bødker Sørensen will be present at the screening.

On November 4th, the series closes with the Swedish feature Cannibal Fog, directed by Jonas Wolcher of Die Zombiejaeger fame. The 1000 euro film is a light-hearted approach to taboo subjects such as sexual addiction, religion and morality, and the eroticism of food. And of course, cannibalism. Jonas Wolcher says this about his movie: -Cannibal Fog is a dark comedy filmed in the true spirit of an independent, including real special effects, real stunts, and no compromising of the filmmaker’s vision. Too many films today are turned into something that studio executives control based on the potential for profit. This often waters down the original vision the filmmakers had and gives the viewers a less satisfying experience. Our goal is to give you the best, uncompromized experience we can. Meet Jonas Wolcher at this screening, and at another screening of his movie in Aarhus the day after.

The screenings take place at Rådhusstræde 13 in Copenhagen, Denmark at 7.30 pm. Ticket reservations can be made by emailing husetsbio.reservation@mail.dk


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