The American whore

whore hora us dvd coverThe whore was Norway’s first grindhouse exploitation film ever. Now it is making its way to American DVD players for the first time, and you’re getting the sequel as an extra.

It took until the year 2009 for Norway to produce its first official exploitation film. Perhaps there were no-budget short underground films in the genre before, but Reinert Kiil’s The whore was feature length, cost a bit of money, got some media attention, and even got parodied in a TV sitcom. It won awards and toured festivals, and may tour again in 2016. Starring porn actress Isabel Vibe, the film is a classic rape-revenge entry about the young woman Rikke, who has hired a small cabin in the countryside in order to finish her book. She decides to stay there alone, but attracts the attention of some local guys who – no surprise – cannot control themselves and violently rapes her. Revenge is of course needed, and death follows rapidly. As is customary in the Norwegian genre field, the film draws heavily from the genre’s classics and is a true tribute to movies such as I spit on your grave.

Wild Eye – which recently released another Norwegian exploitation movie, The thrill of a kill is releasing Whore (a slightly shortened title) on February 23rd, 2016 and not only will you be able to buy the movie on disc in the US for the first time, but you’ll also get the 2011 sequel Inside the whore as an extra. This mockumentary is about the shooting of a low budget horror film, and we get to see behind-the-scenes footage, cast and crew interviews, more or less random documentary footage, and things caught on tape that probably was never meant to be seen. The story is about how the cast and crew are pushed beyond their limits in order to make the film, including how the director goes mad in his attempts to “motivate” his team.

The US Whore comes with brand new cover art designed especially for Wild Eye’s version. They also cut a new trailer, which you can see here.

Get the all-region, NTSC encoded, 89 minute movie on DVD from Amazon or other vendors from February 23rd.