Watch Valdemar for free

In addition to professional, theatrically released features and independent low budget films, Scandinavia has its fair share of zero-budget amateur films. One of them is Valdemar, the Viking-influenced horror short you are welcome watch right here, right now.

Valdemar is the 37-minute Swedish horror short released in 2017 and directed by Krister Twizz Forsberg, Erik Hansson and Johan Jalmberger. When four people rent a cabin in the woods, they wake up an ancient evil. And what have the Vikings got to do with this? Find out in the English subtitled version below.

Valdemar was reportedly made on a budget of 5000 SEK (550 US dollars / 480 euros) which of course is nothing in the world of film making. Make no mistake; Valdemar is for practical purposes a zero budget amateur short, but if you are into that sort of stuff, you’re in the right place.






One response to “Watch Valdemar for free”

  1. […] short film was shot over only two days on a budget of about 1000 SEK (110 euros) by writer-director Erik Hansson, and stars Madeleine Karlsdotter, Anna Persson, Sarah Giercksky, Sofia Perlgård, John Leitz and […]

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