SVT to map the future

What does the world look like in 100 years from now? Swedish public broadcaster SVT and the Swedish Film Institute have teamed to develop and distribute six short films that suggest how we will live on Earth in 2121.

That is also the umbrella title of the series of short films. 2121 will air on SVT and SVT Play in 2021 after having been officially launched last week at a press conference in Stockholm. Six directors and/or writers and/or producers will be invited to film their visions of the future. Will the world have been taken over by artificial intelligence? Or have we learned to live in harmony with nature, animals and the environment? These questions will be handled by film creators that are now being sought by SVT in collaboration with the Swedish Film Institute (SFI). An open invitation to creators have been made, especially to those who can submit a strong script but also if ideas for set designs, make-up effects and cinematogrphy are part of the package. A novel take on a love story or a looming doomsday is of equal interest, as long as the theme is the year 2121.

2121 concept art by Simon Stålenhag.
2121 concept art by Simon Stålenhag.

After a screening process, each of the six chosen short film projects will get a 1.4 million SEK budget from SVT and NFI, which enables directors to make high quality films. The target is grand films with a short playing time that has high visual ambitions. -But at the end of the day there has to be a captivating story. What world will humans live in, what are the challenges and the joys? Maybe everything will have been solved – polar bears are having a blast and wars are just a memory, Ami Ekström, consultant for short films and new formats at SFI said.

-If we look back 100 years we had not seen World War 2, we had not realized the importance of computers and a married woman got her independence for the first time in Sweden. Our expectations are that directors and producers will let their magic loose and throw themselves right into the future. It feels very inspiring to follow up the Bergman Revisited series with another big short film project like this, Helena Ingelsten, SVT’s project manager for short films said.

Only Swedish producers may apply with film ideas that are 8 minutes long at most. Additional funding sources may be found by the individual producers. Creators can start sending their submissions on August 30th, with the last day of entry being October 14th, 2019. The decisions will be made known in November, after which all the films need to be ready for delivery on December 1st, 2020. More information here (in Swedish).

The films will premiere at the Gothenburg filmfestival in 2121, and then aired on SVT and their on-demand service, SVT Play.



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