Tag: disaster

  • The Quake is good business

    After one week in Norwegian cinemas, The Quake is shaking up some real business and on its way to become a success, just like its predecessor, The Wave. The opening weekend alone was the strongest in 2018 for any movie. In its first weekend more than 155.000 Norwegian film fans went to see Oslo shaken […]

  • The Quake preview

    Roar Uthaug was an established director in Norway when he flooded Norwegian cinemas with The Wave in 2015. Now the sequel is here, in which director John Andreas Andersen takes the disaster to Oslo. The Wave was Norway’s first proper disaster film and pulled a huge crowd to cinemas, with more than 800.000 tickets sold. […]

  • Blomstertid preview

    What is even rarer than a Swedish science fiction movie? A Swedish disaster movie. Den blomstertid nu kommer suggests what happens if Swedish infrastructure and society are attacked by a hostile force. The film title actually refers to a Swedish summertime hymn, traditionally credited to Israel Kolmodin, a Lutheran priest. The origin of the hymn […]

  • The Wave US reception

    The Wave US reception

    On March 4th this year, Roar Uthaug’s disaster movie The Wave finally flooded American cinemas. The film has been mostly positively reviewed so far. The Wave was not only Norway’s most popular film in 2015, it was also one of the most popular theatrical movies ever to screen in Norway. Now it is taking on […]

  • Review: The Wave

    Review: The Wave

    We have had surges of slashers, floods of mythology movies and torrents of indie horrors. Now the scene is set for The wave, but will it drown in competition with Hollywood? Touted as being the first disaster movie to come out of Scandinavia, Roar Uthaug’s The wave splashed its way through Norwegian cinemas with great success […]

  • 16 facts about The Wave

    16 facts about The Wave

    The Norwegian disaster movie The wave is the event film of the year, at least up here in the fjords. Let’s add to the hype by taking in these cool facts about an uncool scenario. It is indeed a drawback that this movie is only time away from being gruesome reality. Åkneset is the real-life […]

  • The Wave preview

    The Wave preview

    Director Roar Uthaug continues to explore new film territory with his new action blockbuster, The wave. The only drawback is that his movie is only time away from being gruesome reality. It was not until Dark Woods in 2003 that Norway got it’s first bonafide horror movie. In 2010 The Troll Hunter got the honour […]

  • Mennesker i solen preview

    Mennesker i solen is Norway’s first disaster movie, but in true Norwegian style, it is a comedy as well. The apocalypse is coming… time for a tan! Most disaster movies are a type of fantasy or sci-fi films, as they rarely have much to do with actual disasters. This particular movie is based on disasters […]