Tag: Distribution

  • What we become in the US

    Denmark’s first ever mainstream zombie movie What we become hits US discs in October. In the idyllic town of Sorgenfri (meaning “free of worries”) a family of four gets their daily life changes abruptly when a deadly virus afflicts the town. It’s survival of the fittest, and the question whether the family is strong enough […]

  • The House on disc soon

    Reinert Kiil’s nazi-ghost thriller The House makes its way to disc on July 11. Scandinavia’s first movie where Nazis can’t kill or imprison people (or “people”) they don’t like….. After a few DTV sleazers, Reinert Kill released his first theatrical movie The House in April. The ghost story is set during WW2 where two German soldiers and a […]

  • Swedish cult classics on DVD

    A slew of Swedish cult classics is coming to DVD later this summer; six movies in one box set, ranging from futuristic dystopia to social commentary. From one of Sweden’s most prolific small DVD labels, Studio S, comes Swedish cult classics. Movies that flopped, were ahead of their time, ridiculed by the press or shunned […]

  • What We Become preview

    Two days ago the new Danish zombie movie What We Become premiered in Danish cinemas. How well will the film go down in a country not used to horror films? Written and directed by Bo Mikkelsen, What We Become (original title: Sorgenfri) is Denmark’s first ever mainstream zombie movie to be shown in cinemas. Filmed […]

  • The Wave US reception

    The Wave US reception

    On March 4th this year, Roar Uthaug’s disaster movie The Wave finally flooded American cinemas. The film has been mostly positively reviewed so far. The Wave was not only Norway’s most popular film in 2015, it was also one of the most popular theatrical movies ever to screen in Norway. Now it is taking on […]

  • The American whore

    The American whore

    The whore was Norway’s first grindhouse exploitation film ever. Now it is making its way to American DVD players for the first time, and you’re getting the sequel as an extra. It took until the year 2009 for Norway to produce its first official exploitation film. Perhaps there were no-budget short underground films in the […]

  • The Wave on disc now

    The Wave on disc now

    This year’s genre blockbuster in Norway, The Wave, is now on DVD, in time for Christmas stockings everywhere. At least if you order it from Norway or Denmark, as The Wave so far has only been released there. Roar Uthaug’s 4th feature film became a hit, pulling in 825.000 ticket holders to seats across the […]

  • American thrills of kills

    American thrills of kills

    One of Norway’s most gory films to date, The thrill of a kill, arrives on video in the US for the first time in January. This will be the third country of release for the low budget horror film. Four years after it’s Norwegian home video release, The thrill of a kill finally makes it […]

  • Quick fall 2015 overview

    Quick fall 2015 overview

    Not sure what to wait for? Too long between premieres? Forgotten that Scandinavia actually has some genre movies? Here’s a quick overview of what to expect this fall. This list is not necessarily complete, as new premieres can still be added over the next few weeks and months, but it does give you a fairly good overview […]

  • Horror in Copenhagen

    Horror in Copenhagen

    Want to watch recent Scandinavian horror cinema and meet the directors? If you are in Denmark this fall, that can be arranged. Huset (literally The House) in Copenhagen is a large culture and arts centre which hosts around 1400 events each year, on 10 different stages. One of these events is Recent Nordic Cinema, a […]