Tag: ghosts

  • Black Circle preview

    Ghostly supernatural horror and Scandinavia’s biggest exploitation star are the key ingredients in Black Circle, a Swedish-Mexican film which goes retro in more than one way. It hits Swedish cinemas today. Black Circle (original title: Svart cirkel) is a story about two sisters and a mysterious vinyl record from the 1970s. When Celeste’s sister Isa […]

  • Polaroid preview

    The semi-Norwegian horror feature Polaroid will be released on home video for the first time on May 17th. It’s origins are Norwegian and in spite of a troubled release, the director went on to bigger projects. In 2015, Lars Klevberg directed the 15 minute Norwegian film Polaroid, in which two young girls, both social media […]

  • Review: Room 205

    A ghost slashes students in this Danish teen horror that touches on Nordic social issues in a merger of two successful genres that were not common in Scandinavia at the time it was made. As we have seen, for example when Norwegian horror movies started to take off in the early 00s, small countries don’t […]

  • Stompa’s ghosts

    Twice each day, Hollywood producers are accused of having no imagination and threading the water with countless sequels and remakes. That trend is slightly less strong in the Nordic region, and has now reached a popular 1950s franchise; Stompa. But why is Stompa a topic in these pages? Most Norwegians of a certain age know […]

  • The House on disc soon

    Reinert Kiil’s nazi-ghost thriller The House makes its way to disc on July 11. Scandinavia’s first movie where Nazis can’t kill or imprison people (or “people”) they don’t like….. After a few DTV sleazers, Reinert Kill released his first theatrical movie The House in April. The ghost story is set during WW2 where two German soldiers and a […]

  • Review: The House

    Possibly Norway’s first haunted house movie, The House has many things laid before its feet and picks some of them up. After having directed music videos, shorts, underground cult films and worked as a prop guy on mainstream movies and TV, Reinert Kiil has now “grown up” with his first theatrical directorial feature, the ghost […]

  • The House preview

    Having made a name as an underground cult director with DTV exploitation films, Reinert Kiil has now “grown up” with his first theatrical movie, a ghost story set during WW2. We first reported on the chill-thriller The House in 2013, when director Reinert Kiil (known for his two exploitation films The whore and Inside the […]

  • Win The House tickets

    In a few days Norway’s new ghost movie The House premieres in theatres. If you are not easily scared, you can win tickets to the pre-premiere in Oslo. The House is Reinert Kiil’s cinema debut after having made short films and two direct-to-DVD exploitation films, The hore (2009) and Inside the whore (2012). Now trying […]

  • Watch Hypnagogia for free

    Last year, Norwegian horror/sleaze director Lars Erik Lie released the ghost-girl short film Hypnagogia. After having been sold as a stream, Lie now decided to let you watch the film for free. With inspiration from Japanese ghost stories and Italian horror, the film is about a medical phenomenon called hypnagogia which, according to Wikipedia, is […]

  • Utburd preview

    Premiering today in Trondheim, Norway, is Utburd, a low budget student film based on myths about children left in the woods to die. But is it really just a myth? Made by nine film students at NTNU (the university of science and technology in Trondheim), Utburd is the first full-length feature film made in Norway […]