Tag: revenge

  • Win signed “Thrill” DVD

    Enter our June competition and win a signed copy of Norway’s possibly goriest film, The thrill of a kill on DVD. Loved by Lloyd Kaufman of Troma, with a trailer that was too violent to be shown on Filmweb, The thrill of a kill is Norway’s newest underground horror indie. Directed by Lars Erik Lie […]

  • Thrill of a kill on DVD

    Norway’s possibly most gory film to date comes out on DVD from AWE on May 30th. Here are the details of the release. Made on a budget of 30.000 kr (around 5000 dollars), The thrill of a kill is Norway’s newest horror film, featuring plenty of gore, hot babes, sick rednecks and real remote cabins […]

  • Review: The thrill of a kill

    The splatter-exploitation film The Thrill of a kill is possibly the goriest film made in Norway, but also a surprisingly entertaining horror film. Made on a budget of 30.000 kr (around 5000 dollars), The thrill of a kill is Norway’s newest horror film, and considering it was made by friends and acquaintances for less than what […]

  • The Thrill of a Kill preview

    Coming to DVD from Another World Entertainment in May, is the Norwegian ultra-low-budget shocker The Thrill of a Kill. The Thrill of a Kill has been 6 years in the making and is a low budget amateur feature which offers gore, violence, rape, abuse, nudity, cannibalism and torture – all set in the beautiful Norwegian […]

  • Review: The whore

    Rape. Revenge. Blood. Violence. Sex. Naked ladies. Mutilation. Things you can occasionally find in Norwegian movies, but never all these things in the same film! Until The whore, that is, Norway’s first grindhouse exploitation film ever. It took until the year 2009 for Norway to produce its first official exploitation film. Perhaps there were no-budget […]

  • The maker of the whores

    One of the shortest chapters in the book about grindhouse movies is the chapter about Norway. And it probably only have two entries; The Whore and its yet unreleased sequel, Inside the whore, both directed by Reinert Kiil. Meet the set designer turned exploitation director in this interview. Norway is so far removed from cool […]

  • More of the whore (previews)

    Reinert Kiil’s sequel to The whore is scheduled to come out this year – it will be Norway’s second hardcore grindhouse film after the original film came out in 2009. Here are some more stills and art from Inside the whore. [slideshow] The film stars Dagrun Anholt, Isabel Vibe (seen in The whore), Kim Sønderholm, […]