Tag: short film

  • Is The Nest the best?

    The producers of Valdemar brings you their latest film The Nest, which you can watch for free right here, right now. No ketchup or red paint was harmed in the making of this shlockbuster! The 26 minute amateur short film was shot over only two days on a budget of about 1000 SEK (110 euros) […]

  • SVT to map the future

    What does the world look like in 100 years from now? Swedish public broadcaster SVT and the Swedish Film Institute have teamed to develop and distribute six short films that suggest how we will live on Earth in 2121. That is also the umbrella title of the series of short films. 2121 will air on […]

  • Watch Mystery Box now

    From the creators of Wither and Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich comes Myster Box, a horror short that you now can watch for free on Youtube. Having made the rounds on various film festivals last year, Mystery Box was released for free viewing on April 10th by way of the production company, Stockholm Syndrome Film. […]

  • Dead World preview

    It’s a dead world when Ed Wood meets The walking dead in the first in a series of ultra-low budget splatter short films from the bowels of Western Norway. Having been in production for years (since 2010, in fact) we first reported on Dead World in 2012. Now, after years in post-production, the first episode […]

  • Watch Trick AND Treat now

    Halloween is over for now, but the season for scary movies never stops. Watch the Norwegian horror short Trick AND Treat from horror director Severin Eskeland now. Released online in the middle of October, Trick AND Treat (sic) is a 9 minute Halloween themed short film from the director of Lyst and Detour, Severin Eskeland. A […]

  • SFI supports horror shorts

    The Swedish Film Institute has launched a new programme for creative horror shorts produced by established or fledgling film makers. Dubbed It’s Alive!, the programme will co-fund a maximum of five shorts in its first year. The deadline for applications is February 1, 2016. SFI – the national film funding body in Sweden – will […]

  • Horror in Copenhagen

    Horror in Copenhagen

    Want to watch recent Scandinavian horror cinema and meet the directors? If you are in Denmark this fall, that can be arranged. Huset (literally The House) in Copenhagen is a large culture and arts centre which hosts around 1400 events each year, on 10 different stages. One of these events is Recent Nordic Cinema, a […]

  • 12 facts about Kung Fury

    By now, only one person in the world has not seen Kung Fury yet, and if that person is you, here are 12 reasons why Kung Fury is the most bad-ass Swedish movie ever. In less than 24 hours, the sensational short film reached 3 million views on its official Youtube channel. Right now, it approaches […]

  • More from Kung Fury

    The world seems unable to get enough of Kung Fury, the hero of Kung Fury – so here goes, another batch of stills and behind-the-scenes videos. In less than 24 hours, the sensational short film reached 3 million views on its official Youtube channel. Right now, it approaches 10 million views, with many more added […]

  • Review: Kung Fury

    After years of production and massive internet hype, the Swedish short film Kung Fury finally hit audiences with all its martial arts, Nazis, Vikings, dinosaurs and of course David Hasselhoff. Written and directed by David Sandberg, Kung Fury is the 30-minute sensational over-the-top retro-cheesy 1980s throwback actioner that is an hommage to everything that was […]