Tag: short film

  • Watch Kung Fury for free

    Premiering globally today is Kung Fury, the sensational over-the-top retro-cheesy 80s throwback actioner that features Adolf Hitler, Vikings, dinosaurs and David Hasselhoff. Watch it now, here, for free. Written and directed by David Sandberg, Kung Fury is a 30 minute action comedy, with plenty of fantasy overtones and sci-fi concepts, created as an homage to 1980s action […]

  • Kung Fury preview

    Premiering tomorrow on Swedish television and El Rey Network is Kung Fury, the over-the-top retro-cheesy 80s throwback actioner that features Adolf Hitler, dinosaurs and David Hasselhoff. Written and directed by David Sandberg, Kung Fury is a 30 minute action comedy, with plenty of fantasy overtones and sci-fi concepts, created as an homage to 1980s action and […]

  • Review: Hot nasty teen

    Nobody quite expected that the last movie to star Brasse Brännström would be a rape-revenge story in which the beloved children’s TV actor played a pimp, trafficking a 15 year old girl for money. When Lars Erik “Brasse” Brännström died unexpectedly in August 2014, parts of the childhood of hundreds of thousands of Swedes died […]

  • Movie Battle winners

    On April 20th, the annual Movie Battle was held in Copenhagen, as part of the CPH PIX film festival. The theme for the short films this year was “slasher”. Founded by film director Shaky Gonzaléz in 2004, the Movie Battle is CPH PIX’s section where Denmark’s underground film making scene tests their muscles in genre […]

  • Win Outburst DVD

    You now have the chance to win a copy of the Danish zombie splatter movie, Outburst.  When practical effects guys create their own movies, you expect them to be right on the money when it comes to the red stuff. Or indeed the green goo and the grey guts. Now you can see for yourself, […]

  • Watch Hypnagogia for free

    Last year, Norwegian horror/sleaze director Lars Erik Lie released the ghost-girl short film Hypnagogia. After having been sold as a stream, Lie now decided to let you watch the film for free. With inspiration from Japanese ghost stories and Italian horror, the film is about a medical phenomenon called hypnagogia which, according to Wikipedia, is […]

  • Outburst trailer

    Soon to be released in Denmark is Outburst, a horror-splatter short about zombies and a girl with no name. Arriving later this year is the Danish splatter-horror short Udbrud / Outburst, which refers to a mysterious plague that creates hordes of zombies. The story takes place in a world on the virge of breakdown. A […]

  • 68 upcoming horror movies

    The world’s biggest overview of upcoming Nordic horror and exploitation movies! No less that 68 films and videos, with trailers, teaser art, posters and links. This list includes short films, TV projects, DTV productions, big budget features, web video and low budget indies. In other words, everything related to moving images from the Nordic horror […]

  • Dead Bait preview

    Dead Bait, a short film about voyeurism and naked skin, is the next project from the director of Hypnagogia and The thrill of a kill. Filmed on a budget of a few hundred euros, director Lars-Erik Lie initiated Dead Bait as a summer project to avoid spending the long Norwegian summer days on the sofa. […]

  • Outburst posters

    Just because you have made a short film, it doesn’t mean you have to settle for only one poster! The Danish horror short Outburst has teamed up with a handful of artists in order to make posters that, like the movie itself (which we reported on here), pays hommage to the good old days of horror. […]