Tag: supernatural

  • Black Circle preview

    Ghostly supernatural horror and Scandinavia’s biggest exploitation star are the key ingredients in Black Circle, a Swedish-Mexican film which goes retro in more than one way. It hits Swedish cinemas today. Black Circle (original title: Svart cirkel) is a story about two sisters and a mysterious vinyl record from the 1970s. When Celeste’s sister Isa […]

  • Hidden first thoughts

    Today the first two episodes of Hidden aired on Viaplay. The series is the latest big budget effort in an improving Scandinavian mainstream fantasy scene. Since only two episodes have aired, we’ll leave a complete review for later, and only look at a few things in the first episodes. “Aired” is not the correct term, […]

  • Hidden preview

    The Scandinavian TV & streaming network Viaplay is jumping on the local supernatural / fantasy wagon with Hidden, an urban fantasy drama based on a bestselling novel by Filip Alexanderson. After having been an actor since 2002, Filip Alexanderson published his first novel in 2015, called Förstfödd (First born). In November 2017 it was announced […]

  • Jordskott 2 preview

    Jordskott 2 preview

    The second season of Jordskott has just launched in Sweden. The mystery series is a unique blend of Scandi-noir crime and mythology. The first series aired in 2015 and was described by one viewer as “a TV series based on fairy tales set in an adult setting rather than a childlike one”. The story followed […]

  • Jordskott preview

    Currently airing in Sweden is the supernatural thriller drama Jordskott, which combines the successfull Scandi-crime mystery with mythology.  1.6 million viewers sit down on Mondays to watch Jordskott, the latest SVT crime drama (along with Arne Dahl season two), which goes beyond the traditional cop-investigates-crime formula which has been a staple of Swedish crime drama […]

  • Review: Heartless

    Heartless is the first genre drama for teens produced for the Danish TV channel Kanal 5, and as such also their first original drama production ever. The supernatural series deals with anxiety and identification and other common teen themes. Set at an oldfashioned boarding school where girls were only allowed to study in recent years, […]

  • Review: Hypnagogia

    Review: Hypnagogia

    Nightmares are not a new topic for horror movies, but the distantly related sleep paralysis has not been explored too much yet. In Lars-Erik Lie’s short film Hypnagogia, genres are mixed with the titular phenomenon taking center stage. Wikipedia says that “Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic […]