Tag: vikings

  • Watch Valdemar for free

    In addition to professional, theatrically released features and independent low budget films, Scandinavia has its fair share of zero-budget amateur films. One of them is Valdemar, the Viking-influenced horror short you are welcome watch right here, right now. Valdemar is the 37-minute Swedish horror short released in 2017 and directed by Krister Twizz Forsberg, Erik Hansson […]

  • See more of Ragnarok

    In 2013, Ragnarok was the big adventure film for children and tweens in Norway. In this rare adventure, science and fantasy is mixed with action and thrills rooted in Viking mythology. From the director of Cold Prey 3 came Ragnarok, based on something most Scandinavians can related to; Vikings! To be specific, their runes, which were their alphabet, […]

  • Review: Ragnarok

    In this rare adventure, science and fantasy is crossed and action is mixed with thrills to create an exciting ride for the entire family. From the director of Cold Prey 3 comes this family oriented fantasy adventure, based on an original script by John Kåre Raake. Not a popular franchise, not a previously known game, […]

  • 12 facts about Kung Fury

    By now, only one person in the world has not seen Kung Fury yet, and if that person is you, here are 12 reasons why Kung Fury is the most bad-ass Swedish movie ever. In less than 24 hours, the sensational short film reached 3 million views on its official Youtube channel. Right now, it approaches […]

  • More from Kung Fury

    The world seems unable to get enough of Kung Fury, the hero of Kung Fury – so here goes, another batch of stills and behind-the-scenes videos. In less than 24 hours, the sensational short film reached 3 million views on its official Youtube channel. Right now, it approaches 10 million views, with many more added […]

  • Review: Kung Fury

    After years of production and massive internet hype, the Swedish short film Kung Fury finally hit audiences with all its martial arts, Nazis, Vikings, dinosaurs and of course David Hasselhoff. Written and directed by David Sandberg, Kung Fury is the 30-minute sensational over-the-top retro-cheesy 1980s throwback actioner that is an hommage to everything that was […]

  • Watch Kung Fury for free

    Premiering globally today is Kung Fury, the sensational over-the-top retro-cheesy 80s throwback actioner that features Adolf Hitler, Vikings, dinosaurs and David Hasselhoff. Watch it now, here, for free. Written and directed by David Sandberg, Kung Fury is a 30 minute action comedy, with plenty of fantasy overtones and sci-fi concepts, created as an homage to 1980s action […]

  • Kung Fury preview

    Premiering tomorrow on Swedish television and El Rey Network is Kung Fury, the over-the-top retro-cheesy 80s throwback actioner that features Adolf Hitler, dinosaurs and David Hasselhoff. Written and directed by David Sandberg, Kung Fury is a 30 minute action comedy, with plenty of fantasy overtones and sci-fi concepts, created as an homage to 1980s action and […]

  • Review: Legends of Valhalla – Thor

    It’s no surprice that Vikings and Norse mythology are the themes of Legends of Valhalla: Thor, the first animated feature film made on Iceland. In a small nation, it is relatively easy to be the first with something. Iceland’s first horror film came in 2009, and their first animated feature (this film) was released in […]

  • Ronal the Barbarian preview

    From Denmark, the land of Beowulf and Hamlet, comes the next hero; Ronal. Ronal the Barbarian is an animated children’s fantasy film about the most scrawny barbarian you’ll ever see. From directors Thorbjørn Christoffersen and Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen comes Ronal the Barbarian, a 90-minute original theatrical feature scheduled to open September 15, 2011. Producer is […]